I respond to all emails and support request. If you are facing any issue, please reach out (tools@toolbunch.com). If you like KeyPad please help me get the word out.
How to setup KeyPad
KeyPad works like any other physical bluetooth keyboard. You may need to refer your device documentation for instructions on connecting a bluetooth keyboard. Please send me email if you have any issues. My email is tools@toolbunch.com
Please check out our Support Page.
Setup instructions if you are connecting to an iPhone/iPad
The approach to setting up KeyPad have changed over time. They have followed the changes that apple continues to make to Bluetooth.
What I am trying to say is that setting it up is sometimes hard.
- From the Setup screen click on “Connect device over Bluetooth…”
- This is important. It puts the app into a state to accept connections.
- Go to Settings | Bluetooth on your Device
- Please wait till you see your iPhone/iPad in the “Select Bluetooth Device” window
- This can take a few seconds…to a minute+
- Sometimes I get frustrated and go back to the Settings screen (on the iDevice) and select bluetooth again. Eventually it does appear.
- Select the Connect button next to your bluetooth device name
- This begins the pairing process.
- Note that sometimes the pairing process just fails and the connect button is selectable again. Just click it again.
- You will get a pairing dialog with a number on the Mac
- You will also see a pairing dialog on the iPhone/iPad, touch “Pair”
- The device will show in the Devices screen.
- The iPhone will show up in the Select Bluetooth Device window as “Connected”
- And then it will drop the connection and say “Not Connected” – Ignore this!
- At the bottom of the window you will see “This device does not have the necessary services” – Ignore this too
- Make sure your iPhone/iPad is selected in the window, and press the select button
- If everything went well, you will see your iPhone device name in the Device name list
- Now click on the KeyPad icon in the top toolbar
- This may be hard to find depending on the number of tools you have installed
- You may need to go to an app that has limited menu items to make it visible.
- System Settings is a good example of an app that has limited menus.
- Select the iPhone/iPad name from that top toolbar to launch keypad
- Hold the command key, click on the KeyPad icon in the toolbar, and move it to a better place that you will easily see it.
- The KeyPad window will appear, and after a few seconds of “spinning” it will connect
- You should now be able to type on your iPhone/iPad
- Click on Mouse/Help to see more options
Let me know of any trouble you face. Especially if the instructions are ambiguous. This is still work in progress.

You can setup additional devices, and their hotkeys in the preferences screen. Go to the toolbar menu and click preferences.
Sometimes the toolbar icon gets hidden behind the menu. If this happens, move to another application (like finder) to make the toolbar visible, and while pressing the command key on your keyboard drag the KeyPad Icon to a better location on the toolbar.
Let me know what you think of KeyPad. Especially if you have any issues.
KeyPad is one of my side projects